Lose 20 pounds in just 2 weeks. (The ultimate guide)
If you want to get results quickly, the boiled egg diet is the ideal one. Contrary to what many people may
Few eggs are used in this diet. In addition, many vegetables and citrus fruits are included, which makes it a balanced menu. Diet helps increase metabolism and burn fat without the annoying feeling of hunger.
It is very important that not only during the diet, but always drink plenty of water. Because the water hydrates the body and nourishes the cells for the purification of toxins. You can drink at least 8 glasses of water a day or even more. This may seem like a large amount of liquid at first, but soon you will get used to it. When you often ask yourself: Do I want to eat something, but I do not know what? This is because your body is probably very dehydrated and you will only need to drink more water. Therefore, you should drink enough water every day to stay fit and eliminate overweight. In addition, if you consume water constantly you will learn to distinguish between feeling thirsty or hungry, which will help you to eat balancedly.
The rules for egg diet are simple. As with any balanced diet, eating ājunk foodā is not allowed, such as: hamburgers, sweets, etc. It is necessary to limit the consumption of sugar and salt. Also, avoid consuming sodas and alcohol.
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It should also be noted that people who make the cooked egg diet to lose up to 11 kg in 2 weeks after should be able to maintain their optimal weight without any problem.
Of course, like many other diets, it is vital that you stay hydrated. This means that it is vital to drink eight to ten glasses of water every day.
Remember the following:
Junk food must be eliminated.
Reduce the amount of salt used or change to sea salt.
Sugary drinks or alcohol should be avoided, especially processed sugars
What is the diet of the boiled egg to lose 11 kilos in 14 days?
The egg diet is a diet low in carbohydrates, low in calories, but heavy in proteins. It is designed to help weight loss without sacrificing the protein needed to build muscles.
As its name suggests, it emphasizes the consumption of eggs as the main source of protein.
Boiled egg diet printable version
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Rules for the boiled egg diet
These are the main rules of the egg diet:
1. Eggs are the primary source of fat and protein.
2. 1 tablespoon of butter used per egg consumed.
3. Eat at least one egg at the latest 30 minutes after waking up.
4. Egg meals should ideally be eaten every 3 hours, but no more than every 5 hours.
5. Follow this schedule even if you are not hungry, however, you only have 1 egg when that happens.
6. Cheese is allowed up to an ounce per egg. (Only real cheese)
7. A minimum of half a dozen eggs should be consumed daily.
8. Eggs will be grazed local eggs loaded with healthy omega-3 fats and vitamin D.
9. Egg consumption will cease three hours before bedtime
10. Dietary soda will allow up to 3 cans daily with a goal of 1 or less.
Must read: Is the egg diet effective? lose weigh safely
Related: Why hard-boiled eggs are good for losing weight?1
Benefits of the hard-boiled egg diet
Hard-boiled eggs are rich in protein and a good source of a number of nutrients that promote health. A large hard-boiled egg has 78 calories, 6 grams of protein and 5 grams of total fat.
The same large egg also meets more than 20 percent of the daily value of selenium. The egg is also a source of vitamins A (1) and D (2), many of the B vitamins (3), choline, phosphorus and zinc. Benefits and properties of hard-boiled egg
Even though hard-boiled eggs have benefits to help you lose those unwanted pounds. Weight loss requires that you consume fewer calories than your body needs. To lose 1 kilo of fat a week, you need to eat 500 calories less than your usual consumption.
For example, if you normally eat 2,500 calories a day, to lose weight you need to limit your daily intake to 2,000 calories, including the calories that come from the eggs.
The cooked egg whites are low in calories, since each contains 17 calories. Low-calorie foods can help you lose weight, but eating fewer calories is dangerous.
Related: Boiled egg diet: How many eggs should you eat in a day?
Side effects of the egg diet
The most common unwanted side effect of the egg diet is the lack of energy that many people will feel from the depletion of carbohydrates, this makes it difficult to exercise. The most common unwanted side effect of the egg diet is lack of energy
Suddenly switching to a diet high in protein, low in carbohydrates can also be difficult for the digestive system to adapt. You may experience nausea, constipation, flatulence and bad breath as a result.
Because this type of diet is not sustainable, many people return to old eating habits as soon as they have finished it. You are likely to gain weight again, this can lead to the yo-yo diet, which is not healthy.
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Precautions with boiled or hard eggs
Hard-boiled eggs are high in cholesterol, with 186 milligrams in a large egg, with the egg yolk. Cholesterol in food does not have as much impact on the body as I previously thought, and it is fine for healthy people to eat hard-boiled eggs regularly
However, if you have a history of high cholesterol, heart disease or diabetes, check with your doctor before you start eating eggs every day to lose weight.
For those with these conditions, it is generally recommended to limit the intake of egg yolks to no more than three per week.
Recommended foods
Eggs, lean proteins, low carbohydrate vegetables, grapefruit, oranges, limited fruits
Lean protein includes:
Fruits and vegetables that you can eat include:
Boiled eggs diet menu for the next 2 weeks
Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and 1 citrus fruit.
Lunch: Fruit and 2 slices of wholemeal bread.
Dinner: Cooked chicken and large salad.
Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and 1 citrus fruit.
Lunch: Cooked chicken and green salad.
Dinner: 2 eggs, vegetable salad and 1 orange.
Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and 1 citrus fruit.
Lunch: Low fat cheese, 1 tomato and 1 slice of wholemeal bread.
Dinner: Cooked chicken and large salad.
Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and 1 citrus fruit.
Lunch: Fruit
Dinner: Steamed chicken and large salad.
Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and 1 citrus fruit.
Lunch: 2 eggs and steamed vegetables.
Dinner: Grilled fish and large salad.
Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and 1 citrus fruit.
Lunch: Fruit
Dinner: Steamed chicken and large salad.
Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and 1 citrus fruit.
Lunch: Chicken with steamed vegetables and tomato salad.
Dinner: Steamed vegetables.
Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and 1 citrus fruit.
Lunch: Chicken and large salad.
Dinner: 2 eggs, salad and 1 orange.
Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and 1 citrus fruit.
Lunch: 2 eggs and steamed vegetables.
Dinner: Grilled fish and large salad.
Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and 1 citrus fruit.
Lunch: Cooked chicken and large salad.
Dinner: 2 eggs, vegetable salad and 1 orange.
Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and 1 citrus fruit.
Lunch: 2 eggs, low-fat cheese and steamed vegetables.
Dinner: Steamed chicken and large salad.
Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and 1 citrus fruit.
Lunch: Tuna salad.
Dinner: 2 eggs and large salad.
Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and 1 citrus fruit.
Lunch: Cooked chicken and large salad.
Dinner: Fruits.
Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and 1 citrus fruit.
Lunch: steamed chicken and also steamed vegetables.
Dinner: Same as lunch.
As you can see, the boiled egg diet is a low carb diet, so do not forget to consult a doctor before starting. The menu is very simple and you will not have problems carrying it out. For best results, you should exercise at least 30 minutes a day.
Check this too: Is the boiled egg diet healthy for you?
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And if you are very serious about losing weight, you must start now, nothing to lose, and all the world to gain.
Hard Boiled Egg Diet
What it is.
The boiled egg diet is a quick weight loss diet that is becoming increasingly popular around the world, and everyone loves it for one reason: it’s easy to follow, budget-friendly, and doesn’t leave you hungry all the time (like many other diets).
How does it work?
The diet is simple: you stick to lean proteins and try to cut calories. That means you eat lots of eggs, chicken, turkey, and lean fish as your protein source – boiled eggs for breakfast and eggs or other forms of protein for lunch and dinner. Along the way, you can eat low carb fruits and vegetables, such as these:
Citrus fruits
The Hard Boiled Egg diet not only focuses on providing your body with positive proteins, fruits and vegetables, but also aims to reduce calories. To achieve this, you need to reduce processed and fried foods, sugar, salt, fatty meats and alcohol. (Extra Perk: With this type of change, most people find they have so much more energy throughout the day!)
Calorie Counting 101: How to count calories to lose weight.
Is it good for you?
As with all diets, there are pros and cons to dieting with boiled eggs. Eggs are high in nutritional value – they are high in protein, low in fat, high in vitamins and minerals (vitamin B-12, vitamin D, vitamin A, vitamin B-6, iron, calcium and magnesium) and low in calories. If you are concerned about cholesterol, don’t be; a recent study shows that eating 1-3 eggs a day increases HDL (“good”) cholesterol and lowers blood pressure, and does not change LDL (“bad”) cholesterol levels. The cholesterol found in eggs actually increases the body’s ability to maintain high HDL levels (read more about eggs and heart health in our blog “Fueling Fitness with Protein” here). In addition, avoiding junk food in general is an important and health-promoting factor of the Boiled Egg Diet, along with incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your daily diet. These general habits are beneficial when you start practicing them for quality living overall.
One main concern that some have with this diet is the fact that it is a short term way that many use to lose weight quickly. Some have lost 20 pounds in 2 weeks using this plan. The most important thing is to talk to your doctor beforehand and avoid going to extremes with your diet plan. We recommend that you tailor this diet to your personal lifestyle and incorporate it into your current diet to create sustainable healthy eating habits – so you can lose weight in a healthy way and keep the weight off.
Lose 24 pounds in just 14 days – boiled egg diet 2 week plan
The promise
These days, when even instant cereal isn’t fast enough, we want to lose weight now, not later. And who could argue with losing the weight of a large laptop in just one long weekend? The 3-Day Diet promises to do just that.
If you’re struggling with the scale and tempted to give it a try, here are the details you need to know.
The diet, which is aimed at people who want to lose a lot of weight, claims that you will lose up to 10 pounds if you follow it for three days.
The meal plan consists of three breakfast dishes, one lunch and one “dinner” – if you consider a cup of tuna or two hot dogs plus sides of fruit and vegetables as dinner.
One website marketing the diet claims it is “chemically and enzymatically balanced,” although that statement is not explained or supported.
One thing is clear: You won’t eat much. On Day 1, you’ll only get 870 calories. Days 2 and 3 are not much different.
What you can and cannot eat
For three days, you will eat extremely simple meals consisting of foods you may already have in your kitchen.
For example, breakfast on Day 1 consists of black coffee or water, half a grapefruit, and a slice of toast with a tablespoon of peanut butter. Lunch consists of half a cup of tuna, another slice of toast, and another cup of black coffee (or tea or water).
If you are looking for variety or culinary thrills, you won’t find them here.
Lunch on Day 2, for example, is just a cup of cottage cheese and some saltine crackers. Sauces, dressings and even condiments are not on the list. However, if you have a sweet tooth, you’ll be happy to know that vanilla ice cream is on the menu every day.
Effort level: Low
The biggest effort you will make during the diet will be to stop yourself from reaching for more food.
Limitations: The meal plan is what it is, leaving no room for different palates or food preferences, although some websites say you can swap tuna for cottage cheese and vice versa.
Cooking and shopping: This diet is about as low-effort as you can get, unless you have meals delivered to your home. The only cooking involved is steaming the vegetables, unless you want to eat them raw (both are possible).
Packaged foods or meals? No.
In-person meetings? No.
Exercise: is frowned upon because, as one website says, “you won’t feel very energetic” while on this diet.
Does the diet allow restrictions or preferences?
Vegetarians and vegans: this menu is not suitable for vegetarians or vegans. It is also not low in salt, carbohydrates or fat – just low in calories.