How to Get a Bigger Bum – Tone, Round and Enlarge Your Glutes Top Secrets

How to enlarge your glutes

This training combines the best glute exercises designed to aim at your entire butt, tone, round and enlarge your glutes. These will tone, lift, round and enlarge your buttocks.


Do this training circuit and you will know exactly how to get a bigger butt.

One Deadlift

The dead weight of a leg is a great variation to work the same muscles as the deadlift, without the need for a bar.

1. Hold a kettlebell or kettlebell with one hand and move the leg from the same side backwards. Adjust your balance to lean on your other leg.

2. Follow all safety procedures of a standard deadlift, keep your back straight, keep your head facing forward (do not move your neck) and hold center.

3. Slightly bend the leg you stand on while leaning forward. As you lower the weight, send your other leg back.

4. Once you feel a stretch build up in the hamstring of the leg you are standing on, tense the gluteus in that leg to send your torso up until you’re right again. This is a representative.

Related: How to lift your butt with simple training

Squat with lateral lift of the leg

This is a great dynamic movement to hit multiple muscle groups.

These squats help prepare the buttocks, with the lateral lifts of the legs hitting the outside of the buttocks to help shape them. Do this for a few weeks and you will no longer be asking how to get a bigger butt.

1. Hold a weight in each hand, cleaned up to shoulder height. Perform a standard squat, going down an inch or two above the ground.

2. Squeeze your glutes and hamstrings to send your torso up. As you are almost standing straight again, lift one leg to the side, squeezing the buttocks, the core and the hip abductors.

3. Hold your leg on top for 1-2 seconds before lowering it slowly again. This is a representative.

4. Repeat for the other leg.

Glute Raise Bank

The gluteal augmentation is essentially a two-legged donkey kick, which adds variation to your training.

1. Lie on your forehead on a bench, with your hips at the end so your feet can touch the floor while your legs are straight.

2. Lift your legs off the floor, keeping them bent at the knee.

3. Tense the buttocks to lift both legs at the same time towards the sky. Squeeze on top for 2-3 seconds.

4. Slowly lower your legs down. This is a representative.

DB Step Ups

Step ups are an easy way to strengthen your quadriceps and glutes.

1. Find a raised platform, bench or chair. Place one foot on the platform, making sure it is secure and firm. Keep a dumbbell in each hand for strength.

2. Squeeze the quadriceps on the raised leg to raise your body and climb onto the platform.

3. Slowly release and lower again.

4. Repeat for the other leg.

Lateral Lunge

1. Start with your feet separated at the hips, place your hands on your hips. Keep your back straight and your shoulder blades joined.

2. Send one leg to the side, squatting while supporting your leg and stationary hands. Hold for 2-3 seconds.

3. Push back on your bent leg, returning to a standing position.

4. Repeat on the other side.

Sumo Squat Jumps

To accompany the closed squat, the sumo squat variation helps you hit the inside of the legs more.

1. Stand with your feet wide enough to point outward at a 45-degree angle. Make sure your spine is in a straight and neutral position. Make sure your weight is on your heels.

2. Squeeze the muscles of your leg and your center as you lower your body down, use your hands to maintain balance if necessary. Lower until your butt is an inch or two off the ground. Hold for 1-2 seconds.

3. Explosively squeeze the muscles of your leg and your center to jump up. Land gently before slowly moving to your second squat.

Split Bulgarian squat

The split squat is a great exercise that will make you feel all day. Do you want to know how to get a bigger ass? That is how!

1. Place the ball of one foot on a stable and elevated platform behind you.

Put your weight mainly on the front leg that is in front of the platform.

When performing the squat, your knee should be directly on your foot at its lowest point.

This determines by far in front of the platform that your foot should be.

2. Bend the knee of your front leg and lower it into a single-leg squat. Keep your core tight. Lower until your knee is directly on your foot and your other knee is an inch or two above the floor. Hold for 2-3 seconds.

3. Squeeze the glutes, elevating you to the starting position.

4. Repeat for the other leg.

Single Leg Bridge Chair

Placing the shoulders on a chair or bench adds difficulty to the glute bridge.

Removing a leg makes it even more difficult by reducing its stability.

1. Sit on the floor in front of the bench, resting the back of your shoulders on it.

2. Bend your knees and place one flat foot on the floor, and the other in front of you, resting on the heel.

3. Squeeze your buttocks and push with your flat foot on the floor to lift your hips and other legs off the floor until your knees, hips and shoulders are aligned. Hold for 2-3 seconds at the top.

4. Slowly release it down until your hips are on the floor.

Donkey Kicks

1. Start with your hands and knees. Place your hands directly under your shoulders.

2. Squeeze the gluteus, kicking one leg back towards the sky with the knee bent, squeezing the top for 2-3 seconds.

3. Slowly return the leg until it is in both knees.

4. Repeat for the other leg.

Pistol guns.

If you have found yourself wondering how to get a bigger butt, pistol squats are the answer!

The pistol squat is the king of the lower body, bodyweight exercises. It is very difficult to master, but incredible in the construction of strength and the size of the legs without weights. Also, it’s a great party trick!

1. Stand on one leg, achieving balance and making sure your weight goes through the heel. Extend your arms in front of you and lift the other leg so that the knee bends.

His raised leg will form a counterweight to give him stability.

2. It really squeezes your core and the leg you’re standing on. Slowly bend the leg down the torso down. Take it slow.

3. At the lowest point, your butt should be an inch or two off the ground and your other leg should extend straight in front of you.

4. Squeeze your leg again, slowly lifting your body up again. (congratulations!)

5. Repeat on the other leg.

How to Make Your Butt Rounder in Just 2 Weeks (VIDEO)

How to make butt rounder and bigger and your hips wider?

These awesome tips will help you to build the toned butt and get in sharp fast!

You will get to know what to eat and which exercises to do to achieve the desired result!

We are regularly told that we are what we eat.

So, does it mean that if you are dreaming of round buttocks, you must consume coconuts?

Well, not exactly. To get your buttocks in shape, eating the right food is just as important as physical training!

You will get to know what to eat and which exercises to do to achieve the desired result!


Glute-Strengthening workout 1:05 Squats 1:23 Lunges 1:59 Butt bridge 2:23 Phase 2 Healthy diet 2:57 Excess of anything is bad 3:24 Eat at least one piece of fruit per day 3:41 Proteins 4:00 Carbohydrates 4:46 Fat 5:38 Vegetables 6:42


It would be so simple to eat a magic pill. Unfortunately, nothing is that easy in this world. Making your buttocks bigger without exercise is just not possible. However, there is good news!

Everybody can do it with just a bit of enthusiasm and motivation! Your nutrition after a workout during the recovery period.

Why is it so important? After hard exercise, your buttocks are in the repair cycle, and it is essential to choose the right amount and, especially, type of food to make sure that your butt will grow bigger and firmer.

Don’t forget my number one recommendation for losing weight, you must try this now, see you soon.

The best 6 minute abdominal training



Transform your body with this 6 minute abdominal training

Repeat and share if you enjoyed this explosion of 6-minute sit-up exercise! See the article for complete descriptions of the exercises.
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Inspiring female fitness transformations ♥ workouts and tips

Related: How I lost 10 pounds (and learned to love a healthy lifestyle) you can do it too

Bicycles Ab

The ab bicycle is a great move to hit all your ab muscles with just one exercise.

1. Lie on your back, with your feet extended in front of you.

2. Bend your elbows by placing your hands on the side of your head (you can lay them behind your head, never pull on your neck)!

3. Bend your knees at a 90 degree angle with your hips.

4. Cycle between joining the opposite elbow and knee to each other, while extending the other leg outward as shown. Your legs should spin as if they were riding a bicycle.

5. Make sure you turn your torso, tensing your abs while doing a cycling movement.

6. Each time you have completed a cycle on each side, that is a repetition.

Jackknife From Lying Flat

The pocket knife is another great exercise for our 6-minute abdominal training, reaching the total length of the abdominal muscles.

1. Lie on your back with your hands stretched over your head.

2. Involve your abdominal muscles, lifting your torso and keeping your arms next to your head to the top of your contraction.

3. At the same time, use your abs to lift your legs toward you while keeping them straight.

4. When you are at the peak of your crisis, continue moving your arms to the side of your legs, tensing your abs in this position.

5. Slowly reverse this movement, lowering your legs and torso until you are lying down again. This is a representative.

Flutter kicks

Unthinking kicks are a simple way to exercise the hip flexors, lower abdominals and quadriceps muscles.

1. Lie on your back on the floor or in a bench.

2. Lift both feet an inch or two in the air.

3. Tense the lower abs to lift one leg.

4. Alternate between lifting each leg, lowering them 1-2 inches above the ground. A flutter kick with both legs counts as a repetition.

Opposite arm and leg

This is a great variation on the high table that also involves your legs and arms.

1. Start at a high table position.

2. Squeeze your core, lift one arm forward and squeeze the gluteus to lift the opposite leg behind you. Hold for 2-3 seconds.

3. Return leg and arm down to a high board position. This is a representative.

4. Repeat on the other side.

Plank Jacks

1. From a high board position, tense your core and jump your legs as shown.

2. Repeat the reverse of this movement by joining the feet again, tensing your core. This is a representative.


The crisis is a great ab base exercise for our 6-minute sit-up workout.

1. Lie on your back.

2. Place your hands on the side of your head or plane next to you. Do not pull on the head or neck.

3. Tense the abs to pull the torso off the floor, while at the same time using the abdominals to raise the legs in the air to complete the crisis.

4. Hold for 2-3 seconds before returning to a flat initial position. A contraction is a repetition.

Leg extension

Leg extensions are an excellent way to hit the lower abdominal muscles in our 6-minute abdominal workout.

1. Sit on the floor or on a bench with your legs extended in front of you.

2. Place your hands in front of you and slowly lean back. Find the balance point where it is difficult to hold the legs and not fall.

3. Tense your abs while stretching your legs toward you. You can hold your knees a little for stability if you need it.

4. Push the legs out again to complete a repetition.

High Plank Walk

This can be a murderer! This slowly increases the stress in your abs and is harder to sustain than a standard table.

1. Enter an elevated position.

2. Walk slowly with your hands forward, one at a time.

3. Carry your hands as far forward as possible without losing your neutral back position.

4. Hold for 2-3 seconds before slowly walking your hands back to the high board position. This is a representative.

Plank Reach Through

1. Put yourself in a bending position, with your hands on the floor below of the shoulders and feet slightly apart. Keep your spine in a neutral position.

2. Reach an arm in front of you, tensing your core for stability.

3. Slowly tense your center and reach your arm below you, lifting your hips at the same time you tense your core.

4. Touch your opposite knee with your hand.

5. Return your arm to its initial position. This is a representative. Repeat on the other side.

Swimmers are an excellent way to exercise your core while exercising your lower back.

1. Lie on your stomach and squeeze your buttocks as hard as you can, lifting both legs off the floor.

2. Bring your arms forward, keeping your palms down a few inches above the ground.

Lift your alternate arm and leg in the air, tightening all the muscles from the shoulders to the buttocks.

This is a rep.4. Repeat with the other arm quickly.

How I lost 10 pounds (and learned to love a healthy lifestyle) you can do it too


Until college, it had never been the type of exercise. As a child, I absolutely detested P.E. I was afraid to run through the school parking lot (my school did not have an athletic field) and I could not push myself, even if my gym teacher made me do it.

When my mother wanted me to do exercise videos with her (on VHS, do you remember that?), She gave up the first trimester and, instead, let me fall on the couch.

It’s unfortunate, but my favorite activities (reading, writing, and drawing) required an activity that certainly does not burn calories: sitting down.

Therefore, I have never built any real physical resistance or interest in being fit.

When I was in college, I still detested running, jumping, basically, anything related to the word “exercise.” I prefer to write, read or draw in my bed or in a quiet and local cafeteria.

But that attitude soon stirred when I realized that the 24/7 availability of pizza, fried chicken and ice cream (courtesy of the dorm’s cafeteria) had resulted in a widened muffin and heavier legs.

He had won seven pounds.

Now, it was not considered overweight. I had 127 pounds at 5’4 “(it is considered the maximum average weight for someone of my height), but one thing was for sure: I was out of shape, and my weight gain was making me less confident.

It was affecting me emotionally, and I was desperate to have control of my body (and, later, of life) again.

Finally, I enrolled in a gym membership and decided to commit to a new diet plan: octo-lacto-vegetarianism (a type of vegetarianism in which eggs and dairy products are allowed).

Article: The Best 10 Day Home Workout Plan (kickstart your healthy lifestyle)

If there is any solid advice you have for anyone who wants to lose weight, it is to start small (even very small, if that is what you can handle).

I started exercising three times a week for thirty minutes and finally, I increased that to four times a week and one hour per session.

According to the websites, I was reading, I knew I had to do cardio to lose weight, so I started with the elliptical machine with level one endurance.

Weeks later, I increased my resistance level to three and then to six (some people are much more intense than me with this, but these numbers worked for me).

After each cardio session, I spent 10 to 15 minutes doing basic movements of Mat Pilates to tone my stomach, legs, and arms.

For a girl who hated exercise at the beginning, that’s not bad, huh?

For my diet, I decided to try a diet based on plants with eggs, beans, and tofu as my sources of protein.

Surprisingly, it was not that hard for me to give up meat. In the mornings, I cooked high-protein foods like two eggs with generous amounts of boiled spinach, broccoli, carrots and, sometimes, a piece of brown rice the size of my palm.

Lunch and dinner would follow the same formula: protein as the main course and a lot of fruits and vegetables on the side.

At first, it was difficult to lose weight but, after a couple of weeks, I started losing one pound per week.

I invested in a cheap notepad that I named my exercise diary and became more diligent in following up on my exercise and diet efforts, which in fact kept me more disciplined.

Like any goal in life, losing weight is really about fulfilling your goal and keeping track of your progress with consistency (‘consistency’ is the most important word in this last sentence).

From this experience, I learned that exercise is actually fun and can also make you feel strong and mentally healthy.

The feeling of being able to run an extra lap, committing to a diet plan and reaching and exceeding goals showed me what my body and mind are really capable of doing.

Dr. Oz: 10 days Tummy Tox Plan and Flat Tummy Detox Water Recipe


Dr. Oz: 10-day detoxification plan “Tummy Tox” by JJ Smith
While he was celebrating the Ultimate Detox Month, Dr. Oz turned to those who seem to be struggling lately when it comes to wearing his jeans.

Your 10-day Tummy Tox to get rid of constipation and make your digestive system move again will change your life! JJ Smith, according to Dr. Oz, is one of the most requested detoxification gurus and joined Dr. Oz to talk about the 10-day Tummy Tox.

Dr. Oz: Results of the 10-day Tummy Detoxification Plan
According to JJ Smith, the Tummy Tox addresses and gives results for the following three areas:

• Less swelling (so that a thinner waist is sexy in summer!)

• Less constipation (to help you lose weight and be less irritable and in a bad mood)

• Less gasiness (because let’s face it, the gas is very un-sexy!)

Related: The Best Top 10 Weight Loss Recipes


Dr. Oz Tummy Detox Plan

The Tummy Tox can help you get rid of all three so you can achieve a slimmer waistline and feel much sexier. Fortunately, Tummy Tox can also help you lose weight because JJ believes that the first step to losing weight is to detoxify.

There are some foods that can get rid of everything, and JJ developed a questionnaire for everyone to take to get a better idea of how their diet might affect them. You can find the questionnaire on the next page.

Dr. Oz: Tummy Detox Quiz – Do you need a tummy detox?

Simply answer yes or no to the following questions:

1. Do you eat more than 3 cups of dairy a day?
2. Do you have sweet or dessert sandwiches at least once a day?
3. Is your urine dark yellow?
4. Do you eat chips or fried foods?

If you answered affirmatively to any of the above questions, you could benefit from a Tummy Tox for the following reasons …

What causes the swelling?

The dairy is low in fiber and high in fat, which can cause many digestive problems in people.

To improve your digestive health, you may want to reduce your intake of dairy products.

As for desserts and sugary snacks, many people have trouble digesting simple sugars, which leads to a lot of gas and bloating. Dark urine may be a sign that you are dehydrated and dehydration leads to constipation.

Drink more water! If you eat a lot of fried food, the fat can clog your digestive system and slow down everything.

What foods make you bloated?

Dr. Oz said that you may also want to avoid broccoli or cabbage, as they contain a simple sugar that could remain undigested in the body, causing problems.

In addition, sparkling water or diet sodas can cause the stomach to swell. Stay away from the carbonation. Beans can also be hard to digest for people.

Dr. Oz: Flat Tummy Detox Water Recipe

As for what you should ingest, try drinking this Flat Tummy detox water! There is a reason why it is a favorite among the JJ Facebook community.

Of course, water is ideal for hydration, but this water, in particular, is wonderful if you want a flat belly at the same time you eliminate waste and move things.

To make the water, combine the following ingredients and drink it all day:

  • 48 oz cold water
  • a few fresh mint leaves
  • 8-10 slices cucumber
  • 1 small lemon – sliced
  • 1 tbsp grated ginger

It’s one of the most Googled health foods out there. Nutritionist J.J. Smith reveals why she loves apple cider vinegar and who can benefit from an apple cider vinegar detox.

And if you are very serious about losing weight, you must start now, nothing to lose, and all the world to gain.