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The Real Best Cardio Stair Stepper Workout at the Gym

by | Dec 9, 2018 | Fitness, Weight Loss

Stair steps are an effective aid for cardiovascular health. They simulate the movement of climbing flights of stairs, which is a vigorous activity that works the buttocks, the quadriceps, the hamstrings and the muscles of the calf.

The constant movement provides a strong aerobic workout that makes your heart and lungs pump. A 30-minute workout with step-by-step stairs burns 180 to 266 calories, depending on your weight.

The best step-by-step training will increase your heart rate from 70 to 80 percent of your maximum heart rate.

Appropriate technique

To obtain the best possible training when using the step-by-step ladder, do not lean your weight on the handlebars or side rails.

This allows you to aim at your glutes and hamstrings, and carrying your body weight makes you work harder.

The additional intensity leads to more calories burned and more effective cardiovascular training.

Let the steps go as low as possible so that your muscles work with the maximum range of motion.

Strength and intensity of training

The resistance level of a ladder stagger can be controlled to adjust the difficulty of your training.

Low resistance allows you to move faster, which helps to develop muscular resistance, while a greater resistance helps to develop strength in the lower part of the body.

Moderate endurance provides good cardiovascular exercise, which will require 70 to 80 percent of your maximum heart rate.

A high-intensity workout should keep your more than 80 percent of your maximum heart rate.

Training guidelines

Warm up and stretch before doing any exercise. Keep a smooth pace with deep steps, unless you are starting an exercise routine when you can use medium steps.

Also, keep your back straight and use your hands to maintain balance if necessary, but do not press down.

Beginners can start with only six to 12 minutes at an easy resistance level, increasing from 20 to 30 minutes.

Gradually increase resistance as you become more fit. Take a bottle of water to stay hydrated during sessions of more than 10 minutes.

After your step-by-step session, take a few minutes to stretch the muscles of your calves and thighs.

Mixing it

As with any exercise, you will get the best results if you incorporate variety in your training. Consider adding intervals to your staircase routine.

Do that by searching and finding the level that feels challenging but sustainable for you.

Raise the level by 1 to increase your intensity for one or two minutes, then lower 2 to recover and repeat the rest of your training.

Related: 4 simple exercises to tone your butt in no time

The unique Best Ways to Use a Stair Stepper

Stair steps are popular equipment found in most gyms. Made to simulate the flights of stairs, they have two hydraulic pedals that can be adjusted to different resistance levels.

They should not be confused with climbers, who have a set of revolving ladders like a small escalator.

Stair steps are effective in building strength and cardiovascular endurance.

Target your quads, hamstrings, glutes, hips, and calves before incorporating a stepper into your exercise routine, learn the best step methods.

To warm

It is so important to warm up before doing any strenuous activity because this will prevent injuries.

Because muscles are generally tight before a workout, they can be pulled or torn if they are not heated properly.

Do a dynamic warm-up instead of only static stretching.

Because a dynamic warm-up can include five minutes on an elliptical machine, stretching while walking and jumping.

The proper warm-up also increases the flexibility of your muscles, which helps maintain a good form of exercise. For the best results, use static stretching at the end of your workout as a cooling.

Proper way

Stair steps are fairly simple and easy to use. All you have to do is push your legs down against the pedals in a controlled rhythm.

Allow each pedal to lower as much as possible. This will allow you to move forward with a full range of motion.

Stand up straight and avoid leaning on the handrails, as it will reduce the intensity of your training. While walking, keep your hips, knees, and fingers pointing forward.

If you have not done cardiovascular exercises for a long period, start with low-intensity steps.

Time and frequency

MayoClinic.com suggests at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity cardiovascular exercise or 75 minutes per week of high-intensity cardiovascular exercise.

When performing cardiovascular exercises on a stair step by step, aim for 30 minutes per day. And then if you want even more health benefits, perform up to 300 minutes of cardiovascular exercise per week.

Resistance level

Different levels of resistance provide different benefits. A low level of resistance will allow you to take a faster step and it is better to develop resistance.

A high level of resistance will slow it down, and it is better to develop strength. If you are new to the stairs, start with a moderate resistance level.

3 Exercises for Stair Master Success | Body Toning

Finally, FitStrong Fitness Personal Trainer, Carly talks you through a body toning routine that’ll help you perfect the stair master. Learn other techniques by training with Carly online today!

And if you are very serious about losing weight, you must try now, nothing to lose, and all the world to gain.

Written By Jane Randall

Written by: Jane Randall

Emma is a passionate advocate for women’s health and entrepreneurship. With over a decade of experience in the wellness industry, she shares her insights on achieving personal and professional growth through healthy living.

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